Friday 27 March 2015


When everything seems right some shit happens and life goes back the way it was before. One bad moment makes you remember all the worst memories of yours and you are just surrounded with grey clouds. And at that point of life you just feel like running away from everyone to a place which is unknown to you, where you are alone just with your thoughts under the sky and no one is there to bother you. When life is already testing your saturation level then why others need to do the same as well. When you are already miserable and trying to keep everything in place then why at that point few things happen that shatter you down completely. Why it becomes so difficult to make people believe that you do care about them and that person still hold the same place in your life? Why only you have to understand and when you try to make others understand they take you in wrong way? Why its like you have to be strong one and have to hide tears in your smile or eyes? Why you can't just be on both sides when people talk? Why people think you are taking sides? Why can't life be easy..why it has to be a jigsaw puzzle with all the pieces scattered in different directions? Some questions are always left unanswered. Being strong doesn't mean you deserve pain. No one is perfect. We do make mistakes but instead of fighting  and crying over it why we just can't sit and talk out differences. Why just we can't stand for each other when we need each other the most and when we know we can't spend a day without them. Problems are there in everyone life it's just the perspective of person to deal with it. Every person feel the same way Why Me? Few relations are more important than what happens in our life. People may fight, cry, misunderstand each other, may not talk for a while but people who are meant to be in your life will stay no matter what.     

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